Direct mail marketing is still one of the most effective marketing tools. In addition to taking advantage of empty mailboxes, direct mail marketing can be segmented and personalized to capture the attention of various audiences and appeal to their unique perspectives. Effective audience segmentation is the foundation of any successful direct mail campaign, and the first step is a great mailing list.
What is audience segmentation?
Audience segmentation is the process of dividing a large group into smaller groups so you can tailor your messaging to their needs. When it comes down to it, the best way to connect with prospective customers is to learn everything about them, and incorporate that knowledge into your campaign.
Segmenting your audience also helps you avoid the pitfalls of assuming you can attract everyone with the same mail piece and offer. It’s key to understand that you have several audiences who all have different expectations and requirements. Once you’ve segmented those audiences meaningfully, you’ll be able to create appealing offers that resonate with their needs.
How should you segment your audience?
Ultimately, it’s up to you how you decide to segment your audience. However, there are 5 popular and successful segmentation methods that work well for any business.
1.Geographic Segmentation
Geographic segmentation is based on the location of your existing or prospective customers.There’s a good change that if you’re using direct mail as a marketing tactic, you’re already segmenting your audience geographically in some way. With this type of segmentation, you can target a specific geographic area (country, state, street, and everything in between).
2. Demographic Segmentation
Demographic segmentation is when you group people together using specific demographic data, like age, gender, income and more. Employing this type of segmentation allows your business to connect with customers on a more personal level because you can create offers and messaging that’s more relevant to their lives.
3. Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation combines psychology with demographics to get a better understanding of your audience. This allows you to use more specific messaging for groups of people with unique attitudes, personalities and interests. Usually this type of segmentation is used for companies offering specialized products and services.
4. Customer Status Segmentation
Customer status segmentation takes into account where prospects are in the sales journey, from awareness to consideration to purchase and even post-purchase. Once you know where specific customers fall within this journey, you can use direct mail to give them a push towards purchasing. You can also use this approach to re-engage past customers that haven’t purchased from you in a while.
Choosing which segmentation is right for your business can be challenging. Early Express can help you segment your direct mail audience and create custom, targeted mailing lists based on these segmentations. In addition to targeted lists, our direct mail services include saturation lists (reaching audiences in large cities, zip codes or geographic areas), Every Door Direct Mail (targeting business and residents along a mail route) and daily mail processing.