When deciding where to focus your advertising energy and investments, direct mail marketing is an easy choice. It has impressive targeting capabilities, it’s extremely cost effective and it works even harder when paired with digital marketing. If direct mail marketing sounds right for your business, the next step is to choose your marketing collateral. While there are several physical marketing tools to choose from, including brochures & flyers and catalogs, it’s proven that postcards are the most successful when it comes to direct mail marketing.
How do you make your postcards stand out?
Since direct marketing is seeing a resurgence, there’s a good chance your postcard might not be the only one in customers’ mailboxes. In order to make your postcard stand out, take advantage of these tips for ensuring your postcard grabs the attention of your intended audience.
Make sure your headline and imagery are clear
The headline on your postcard is one of the first things a potential customer will see. That’s why it’s important to use a headline that’s clear, straightforward and actionable. This is not the time to employ a vague headline or get too creative. The same strategy goes for your imagery. The image you choose should support your headline and clearly communicate the product or service you’re offering. Additionally, your imagery should be crisp and clear, ideally with colors that will stand out to the customer.
Use a call-to-action that converts
You should never send a direct mail piece without including an “ask” from the audience. What action do you want people to take after reading your card? Do you want them to call you or visit your store? Whatever action you decide, make sure it’s included multiple times on the card so it’s obvious to your audience.
Personalize where possible
People love seeing their name—especially in big, bold letters on a postcard. They are more likely to pay attention since it feels special and more personal. If you are able to personalize your postcard, it’s a great way to guarantee attention and increase the effectiveness of your campaign.
Simplify your message
While postcards are able to hold a decent amount of information, this isn’t the time to list out all of your products or include every benefit your service offers. Instead, focus on one key idea and drive your audience to take one key action. Providing too much information will overwhelm the customer and make them less likely to take action.
Don’t forget your contact information
Since the goal of your postcard is to drive customers to your business or incite action, it’s critical to include your contact information (phone number, address, etc) and company logo. While this advice might seem obvious, it’s a tip that many businesses tend to forget. What’s the point of mailing out a postcard if the customer doesn’t know which business sent it?
Take advantage of targeted lists
If your business is targeting a specific audience, using a targeted list for your direct mail campaign will make it even more effective. At Early Express, we can help you customize a targeted list to reach specific addresses in areas that meet your needs. Additionally, we can help you manage your mailing list and ensure your data is clean and up-to-date. If you don’t have a mailing list or don’t want to create one, you can also reach customers with Every Door Direct Mail marketing. EDDM is a USPS program that allows companies to send marketing materials to every residence and business on a given carrier route.
If you think direct mail marketing is right for your business, reach out to Early Express and we can work together to create a successful marketing plan just for you. We also offer professional printing services for all marketing essentials—including postcards.